

What does it mean to 'join a team', to be 'part of a wellness community'?!  When you enroll with Young Living, you are signing up for a wholesale membership.  This gives you the ability to order essential oils + products at 24% off with exclusive access to a rewards program that is pretty darn amazing --- you can check it out here.  The whole process works similarly to a COSTCO membership, but the essential oil wellness version. haha

Plus your kit of oils comes along with a whole village of friends to help making it the easiest transition to natural wellness. You won't be left alone or at the mercy of Doctor Google on the nights your little one is awake with a bug. We'll be right here to help!

You also have the ability to grow your membership into a business at any point and come along with us on amazing trips to Young Living farms and exclusive vacation like cruises. Holllahhhh atchya, dream life!! Take a peek at some exclusive Young Living cruise photos here



11 Everyday Oils // Lavender. Lemon. Peppermint. Frankincense. Purification. Thieves. Panaway.  Stress Away. RC. Copaiba. Digize
1 Diffuser
Lifetime Membership
A whole bunch of extra goodies!

By choosing this kit, you are saving nearly 50%!!  This kit's full price is around $300 --- the diffuser alone is worth $98 retail!!  PLUS you will have access to our private team Facebook community which are amazing places to learn, ask questions and experience the amazing community on this team.  You will also receive the password for 'the village' area of this website which is full of more resources to help kick off your wellness journey!

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Want to save 24% without purchasing a collection of oils?! Order this kit and add oils to your collection one by one.


Lifetime Membership + Stress Away

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You can always order oils or products as a retail customer as well.


Be sure to use the enroller and sponsor number of whomever sent you here to sign up so that you are an official Village Gathering member!!

You can also click here to select your mentor.

We cannot WAIT to have you join us!